To enhance public awareness of brain tumours, The Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society will hold the “Wear a Hat Day” campaign on August 20. We are glad to invite you to wear your favorite hat on that day and make donations to support us (tax deductible receipt will be given to donations of HK$100 or above). The proceeds raised will be used to support patients with brain cancer.
Individual, corporate and organisations are welcome to join the even by making donation via online or download form from now til 31 August 2021. By making a donation of HK$100 or more can have a limited edition pin for the event.
Event Enrollment
Wear your favourite hat on 20 August 2021 “Wear a Hat Day” and take photos.
Upload your photos to social media within 20- 31 August , tag @hkacs and #WearAHatDay to join us and support this meaningful event.
Corporates or groups can share the photos with us by email if social media platform is not available. (photo size:1-5MB)
Awards will be selected from entries by our Ex-co member and event ambassador:
“Most Brainful Award” – Individual
“Best Style Award” – Individual
“Most Brainful Award” – Group
“Most Creative Award” – Group
“Most Caring Award” will be presented to corporate which have the highest donation amount in “Wear a Hat Day” event.
Submission Period: 20 August – 31 August 2021, 11:59pm
Photos privacy should set as “Public”
Photos may be used by HKACS for “Wear a Hat Day” promotion