1. Make online donation now
  2. Other donation methods:
    Download donation form, donation could be made by:

    Please click here (mobile access only) or scan QR Code below to access the AlipayHK App.

    Please click here (mobile access only) or scan QR Code below to access the Octopus App.

    Please click here (mobile access only) or use PayMe to scan the QR Code and provide your name, contact number in the payment message.

    Fast Payment System (FPS):
    Please transfer the donation to our FPS ID: 169421021, and take a screenshot of the successful payment page.

    Pay through PPS machines or https://www.ppshk.com, the merchant code is 6016.

    Cheque/Postal order:
    Payable to “The Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society”

    Direct deposit to our account:
    HSBC 002-1-141585

Please send the completed donation form and transaction slip / screen captured image to the Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society by email to donation@hkacs.org.hk or fax (852) 3921 3822, or mail to the Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society at 30 Nam Long Shan Road, Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong.

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